Saturday, November 10

Search Help George Washington Pettigrew

Judith Williams writes -


I am writing with hope that you may be able to help me further my Pettigrew research. My distant ancestor, Elizabeth Williams married George W. Pettigrew. Here is the information that I have about them:

George Washington Pettigrew - born: 26 Mar. 1830 in Virginia
died: 27 Dec. 1882 in Madison Co. Ind.
George married Elizabeth Williams 10 April 1854 in Madison Co. Ind.

Elizabeth Williams - daughter of Absalom and Hester Lane Williams
born: 1 Aug. 1836 Madison Co. Ind.
died: 28 Jul 1869 Madison Co. Ind.

I have 8 children listed for George and Elizabeth. After Elizabeth died in 1869, George was married to Elizabeth Kepner (m. 30 Sep 1869). George was also married a third time to Sarah E. Whelchel and supposedly had a daughter, Margaret, born in 1881.

As for the parents of George W. Pettigrew, I have unverified information that they are George Washington Pettigrew and Mary Parsons. I do not know if this is correct and am hoping you may be able to shed some light on this for me.

Any information about this family would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
Judith Williams